
Monday, March 19, 2007

I know I haven’t posted on my blog in a while and I’m aware that makes me a bad human being, however like with most things in my life I will blame my brother or Ian and as I haven’t seen my brother since Christmas and don’t plan on seeing him any time sooner than next Christmas, I’ll go with blaming Ian. So here it is.

“Bad Ian, no Sanders, not the knee caps, noooo I’ll be nice I’ll blame someone else ahhhhh”

As you may be able to tell I’m just a little bit bored at the moment. In fact I’m on the train on the way home to Cardiff at the moment so I thought seeing as I have time to kill I’d to a blog type entry thing.

We recently had a project to catalogue a mundane item and then create an interactive interface for people to you (is interactive interface redundant)

We had to get ourselves into groups out side of the lecture time, which meant me being organised. Needless to say that went badly, however after a week of the project half of Mr Sanders group didn’t show up and they needed someone to step in and “help” so we discussed, researched, discussed some more and decided on a course of action. The end result may not have been exactly what we had planned but it was good all the same. I’d like to take this point to be honest, because I’m nothing if not honest.


I helped with ideas and a bit of research before hand, but they put it together and made it what it was. (One thing I will not do is take credit for other people’s work)

This project was another one of these seemingly pointless and annoying bits of work, which we tend to half ignore, which actually turn out to be pretty useful. A bit like the hand thing at the beginning of the year.

It helped a lot to have Jools there, because he does have a way of looking at things in a different way and knows how to explain it in a way in which slightly bored and confused students can understand.

We have also been looking at sound in film; this is something that interests me because I really like looking at the extra bits on DVD’s and how they come up with the balance of action and sound. I have found two great examples of this, one is on youtube. It is just a few minute section of a 7 minute video about the making of Halo III. All computer game fans have just smiled and got the mental image of either duel wielding SMGs or using the rocket launcher on multiplayer, don’t deny it, you know it happened. Anyway for the three people in the western world who don’t know what the Halo games are about. Basically it’s a great shooting game, with a fantastic story with religion and twists and turns. The music in it is a big deal, the mood is amazing with the visuals of the X-Box combined with the sounds they put in, the most famous music to Halo is actually made by monks if my memory serves me. There are no words just a tune, which sets the mood of the game like nothing else could. This video shows how they have evolved from the first game, with new music and a new way of thinking.
The other example is from the extras DVD for Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. The DVD shows you every department that worked on the film and how they work together. It is interesting to see the process and the stages where they add sound, they actually record a lot of it themselves. They also have to have the sound and visual teams working together to get the balance, with Lucas as the middleman to make the final decisions.

Over the holidays I will make notes about websites I visit and what I like and dislike about them, I already make some mental observations, but I will start to make notes on them so I can decide what makes a truly good website.


I will finish Natural Breaks and Rhythms when I get back as I forgot to pack it.


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