
Sunday, January 21, 2007

No Mac no sleep make Andy something something

I missed two days of lectures this week, I have not slept in 4-5 days and my Mac is not working at all. So I am not the happiest of the happy bunny's.

First thing, the boiler is in the room next to mine and is loud, it kept me up for a few nights, not my body has adjusted and i cant sleep at a decent time, which has caused me to miss lectures, which to be fair i'd rather be at uni ding something productive than doing nothing at halls.

My Mac, my fault, I tried to install Windows on a partition, deleted Mac by mistake, now it won't let my install Mac again, so i'm taking it to a Mac store tomorow to see if they can help.

Due to missing lectures and not having my Mac I have not been able to use the creative side of my brain, which I need to use, a lot. So i've started writing again, I knocked out a very short poem last night at about three in the morning. I may write something else tonight and or tomorow depending on how mixing my Mac goes.

As for the ident project, my company is thinking in ivesting ina more relaible therefor more expensive server, which would mean we would either make a very small loss, break even or maybe very small profit. If we do this then there shouldn't be any future down time with my site. On Monday I will try and speak to student services about their destination surveys as part of the research for my project.

That is all, I'm in the Boots Library at the moment as I have no computer and I feel very unwell, so I'm going to shop, go back to halls, chat about work stuff then sleep about 8pm tonight so hopefully I can get back into a decent routine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twyman, i was under the impression,from your earlier post, that you could not delete anything on macs? It appears you have found how, congratulations

9:16 AM  

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