
Friday, December 29, 2006

Merry X mas, New Year, Kwanza, Festivus etc

That's right, the world of waiting for a video to load has brought me to me blog, the most exciting thing to hit the internet since porn sites decided to filter out under aged kids by using the question. "Are you over 18" with the options "Yes" and "No"

I as usual have had a pretty decent time, agreed I don't get on with most of my family, most of the time but i've a pretty good Christmas so far, like most athiests I have enjoyed getting presents, eating lots of nice food and having people being nice to me, without having to get up early and go to church.

I have actually been thinking about the corporate identities project and 1 of my presents was a great software package which should help with that.

I hope everyone has had a good time and are all in good moods when we get back


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