
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Return of the Blog

Excuse me Mr Blog, I’m Andy, you may remember me from such blog entry’s as Presentation aftermath and Nightmare weaver

It’s Saturday and I’m on the train on the way back to uni from Cardiff, I will miss my friends and nice bed, and a few other things, but I’m actually looking forward to getting back to my independence and the life I have in Nottingham, I’m also looking forward to getting stuck back into work and finishing this project, I’m also going to finish Jool’s book so I can both suck up to him and make fun of him about it.

I’ve been looking at website and thinking about what I like and dislike about them and there are a few things I will think about when doing the finishing touches to my website, also things to think about when we finish the Kilkz main page.

I’ve also been working on my project and I think I’m going to have a busy week when I get back, because I want to take some pictures for the website and also get some research done. I’m going to ask people from my course what attracted them to it in the first place, I will also ask some people from random courses to get a general idea of what it is they thought made the difference to ge them to choose NTU and the specific course they are doing, For the pictures I will want pictures of people doing things, rather than posed pictures, I’ll want to show off the equipment and facilities available at NTU to attract potential students to the course. I will continue my research on other universities and see what it is they have on their course information pages.

On a personal note I’ve had a fun Easter and I enjoyed relaxing at home, seeing my friends, hitting the down, chatting, chilling out and seeing my family. I also have the advantage of being Atheist so I get the chocolate without getting up early and going to church. I will miss these things while I’m back, but there are different things I like at uni, so it’s a balance and I think this term will be a lot of hard work, but I think I will put in what’s needed and come out the other side confident that I will have passed and be able to continue to do the course next year, which I am very much looking forward to.

Speaking of next year I’ll have a look at the module list and decide what it is I want to do next year.

Monday, March 19, 2007

I know I haven’t posted on my blog in a while and I’m aware that makes me a bad human being, however like with most things in my life I will blame my brother or Ian and as I haven’t seen my brother since Christmas and don’t plan on seeing him any time sooner than next Christmas, I’ll go with blaming Ian. So here it is.

“Bad Ian, no Sanders, not the knee caps, noooo I’ll be nice I’ll blame someone else ahhhhh”

As you may be able to tell I’m just a little bit bored at the moment. In fact I’m on the train on the way home to Cardiff at the moment so I thought seeing as I have time to kill I’d to a blog type entry thing.

We recently had a project to catalogue a mundane item and then create an interactive interface for people to you (is interactive interface redundant)

We had to get ourselves into groups out side of the lecture time, which meant me being organised. Needless to say that went badly, however after a week of the project half of Mr Sanders group didn’t show up and they needed someone to step in and “help” so we discussed, researched, discussed some more and decided on a course of action. The end result may not have been exactly what we had planned but it was good all the same. I’d like to take this point to be honest, because I’m nothing if not honest.


I helped with ideas and a bit of research before hand, but they put it together and made it what it was. (One thing I will not do is take credit for other people’s work)

This project was another one of these seemingly pointless and annoying bits of work, which we tend to half ignore, which actually turn out to be pretty useful. A bit like the hand thing at the beginning of the year.

It helped a lot to have Jools there, because he does have a way of looking at things in a different way and knows how to explain it in a way in which slightly bored and confused students can understand.

We have also been looking at sound in film; this is something that interests me because I really like looking at the extra bits on DVD’s and how they come up with the balance of action and sound. I have found two great examples of this, one is on youtube. It is just a few minute section of a 7 minute video about the making of Halo III. All computer game fans have just smiled and got the mental image of either duel wielding SMGs or using the rocket launcher on multiplayer, don’t deny it, you know it happened. Anyway for the three people in the western world who don’t know what the Halo games are about. Basically it’s a great shooting game, with a fantastic story with religion and twists and turns. The music in it is a big deal, the mood is amazing with the visuals of the X-Box combined with the sounds they put in, the most famous music to Halo is actually made by monks if my memory serves me. There are no words just a tune, which sets the mood of the game like nothing else could. This video shows how they have evolved from the first game, with new music and a new way of thinking.
The other example is from the extras DVD for Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. The DVD shows you every department that worked on the film and how they work together. It is interesting to see the process and the stages where they add sound, they actually record a lot of it themselves. They also have to have the sound and visual teams working together to get the balance, with Lucas as the middleman to make the final decisions.

Over the holidays I will make notes about websites I visit and what I like and dislike about them, I already make some mental observations, but I will start to make notes on them so I can decide what makes a truly good website.


I will finish Natural Breaks and Rhythms when I get back as I forgot to pack it.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Presentation Aftermath

Well we had our presentations on wednesday and after a nervous wait due to starting 1 3/4 hours late, we went in.

I became even more nervous when Aaron went up and got ripped apart, another guy (I believe Rob) went up and did a very good presentation but got a pit of negative feedback (I think so he didn't get complacent.) Then I did my presentation and I think it went pretty well, i got general questions rather than specific feedback, but I think it went well. Jools was being to the point so if there were any bad aspects i'm sure he would have pointed them out. This has given me a confidence boost fot the rest of the project.

I've taken on board what was said about my presentation and everyone elses, so I think I know what needs to be done to complete this assignment to a high enough level to get me back next year.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

No Mac no sleep make Andy something something

I missed two days of lectures this week, I have not slept in 4-5 days and my Mac is not working at all. So I am not the happiest of the happy bunny's.

First thing, the boiler is in the room next to mine and is loud, it kept me up for a few nights, not my body has adjusted and i cant sleep at a decent time, which has caused me to miss lectures, which to be fair i'd rather be at uni ding something productive than doing nothing at halls.

My Mac, my fault, I tried to install Windows on a partition, deleted Mac by mistake, now it won't let my install Mac again, so i'm taking it to a Mac store tomorow to see if they can help.

Due to missing lectures and not having my Mac I have not been able to use the creative side of my brain, which I need to use, a lot. So i've started writing again, I knocked out a very short poem last night at about three in the morning. I may write something else tonight and or tomorow depending on how mixing my Mac goes.

As for the ident project, my company is thinking in ivesting ina more relaible therefor more expensive server, which would mean we would either make a very small loss, break even or maybe very small profit. If we do this then there shouldn't be any future down time with my site. On Monday I will try and speak to student services about their destination surveys as part of the research for my project.

That is all, I'm in the Boots Library at the moment as I have no computer and I feel very unwell, so I'm going to shop, go back to halls, chat about work stuff then sleep about 8pm tonight so hopefully I can get back into a decent routine.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Merry X mas, New Year, Kwanza, Festivus etc

That's right, the world of waiting for a video to load has brought me to me blog, the most exciting thing to hit the internet since porn sites decided to filter out under aged kids by using the question. "Are you over 18" with the options "Yes" and "No"

I as usual have had a pretty decent time, agreed I don't get on with most of my family, most of the time but i've a pretty good Christmas so far, like most athiests I have enjoyed getting presents, eating lots of nice food and having people being nice to me, without having to get up early and go to church.

I have actually been thinking about the corporate identities project and 1 of my presents was a great software package which should help with that.

I hope everyone has had a good time and are all in good moods when we get back

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Narrative Evalution

This is long enough without a big introduction, so this is simply my evaluation of our narrative project.

Highlight the skills and knowledge you have gained and developed and show how you have gained them. Provide suggestions for improvements and how these attributes will inform your study in future modules this year.

Creating the story

As soon as I found out what our brief was I thought about possible ideas. I knew that the two minute restriction would be a big factor, so I thought about ideas that would work within this time frame. I decided that opening credits, trailers and cartoons all work well in a short space of time. However during our first team meeting we discovered that one of our team members (Ian) already had an idea that had enough detail and reasoning behind it for everyone to agree to work to that story. It seems Ian had the same idea I had about using a cartoon. He had been greatly inspired by childhood comics and I could understand how it would work, being a big comic book fan myself, it helped me imagine the story and how it would work.

Having an idea already thought out in some detail was a major advantage to our group. Instead of spending time each coming up with ideas, discussing them and eventually creating a working idea that we could all agree to, we already had something from the outset that we could use. This saved a lot of time and effort and meant we started things on a high note.

In future if I know the basics of what a project will involve I will start to think of ideas and go into them in detail. In the past I have thought about projects and have come up with ideas for them but I have never really gone into detail or written anything down about them, I think this is something I will do in the future.


I didn’t do nearly as much as I should have on the research and this is a lesson I have learned for the future. I looked at a website about surreal animations

This was helpful to see what someone else had done with the different steps you should take and examples of their work.

I also looked at a Coca Cola advert that I believes to be a great example of a short, successful, surreal comedy

This video stayed in my head while I working on this project, as something to aspire to. I think this is important for the future, to see if anyone has done anything similar and if they have, to use it as something to look up to.


Typically narratives are created by filming moving images on a camera. However after discussing the pros and cons of motion pictures we decided that would take stills and then use computers to create the backgrounds and to manipulate the images. This would mean that there would less equipment to carry, less restrictions (weather, time, travelling etc) and quality can also be an issue with motion pictures. We then decided to make it even easier for ourselves and eliminate a few more problems that could arise. We decided to film in front of a blue screen so we wouldn’t have to worry about locations and we decided that our story would be a surreal comedy, because by adding surreal elements it takes away preconceptions of how something should look or feel.

I think that filming with still was a great idea because many of the problems we discussed can ruin a project or create major setbacks, which can effect project quality. Filming in front of a blue screen was also a good idea because it was something that I had always been interested in but I hadn’t had a chance to work with before. Filming in one place, which we could book in advance gave me confidence that I have lacked during other projects which have involved uncontrollable and irregular elements. This meant I could be in my element whilst taking the photos because I could have done it with just myself and the actors but I also had someone (Morag) there to read out the next scene shoot, another photographer (Aaron) to discuss ideas with and to share the work with, Aaron was also in charge of lighting, which meant that I could say if I wanted something changed and he would do it, without me having to move and change it myself, then go back to where I would take the picture to see if it looked right.

For future projects I will think about what is going to be involved and what skills will be needed and if I am working with a group of people I will find out what skills they have and work to those. It’s no use doing a project involving lots of complicated lighting sequences if no one has any lighting knowledge.


Team members:

Ian Sanders
Morag Upton
Aaron Sinfield
Dominic Saneria

As a group we met up straight away and started discussing the project. It was clear from the outset what the roles were going to be. Morag took up the role of director and producer, Ian took up many of the responsibilities of actually creating the final film. Dominic took on sound, Aaron would do the storyboards and idea sketches and as I had just received my computer I was assigned to do the initial research.

With people’s roles in place, Ian and Morag started working on the script, which was already pretty well developed. Aaron went to work on the storyboard, Dominic looked at ideas for sound and I started researching the programmes and method’s we would be using.

We started well but we hit a brick wall where it was unclear what some people had to do and where others just weren’t doing the work. Fortunately Ian and Morag picked up a lot of the slack and we managed to get the project back on track.

I think that we had a good team to start with, people with a good number of skills and attributes, that between them covered a large enough area to create a well put thought out and put together project. Unfortunately the motivation and organisation for some people (including me) wasn’t there and I don’t think we did as well as we could have, given the people and the skills we had to begin with.

I have learned a lot about teamwork. I have learned that it is important to know people’s strengths and weaknesses and to work to them. Personally I learned not to rely on other people’s skills to get the job done, I know that even if the project itself will be complete and to a high enough standard, that it doesn’t matter as much, if I haven’t put in enough time and effort to make it worth while for me personally.

I also learned that if I don’t have a skill that I should try and gain it. I can pick things up pretty quickly but I am held back by my fear of the unknown, in the future if there is a programme I don’t know how to use, I will try and find a way that I can use it myself and learn by trial and error so that I can get more involved in the project when it comes to using that programme.

The Film

Our film consisted of still shots of our main character hunting for his lost coin and meeting people along the way. Our character Mr Pickles (Ian) was shot in clothes bought from a charity shop (by Morag) to look out of fashion and warn. The other characters were shot against the blue screen and then their heads were replaced with pictures using a computer. With added music, text and sound effects we created a surreal comedy that had elements of an advert, a silent movie and a comic book.

I think this turned out really well, as always there were elements, which could have been improved but overall I think we achieved what we set out to do. I have showed the project to several people who all think it is very funny and that is what we set out to achieve.

In the future I would like to show the project to a focus group to get their opinions on it before we finalise it. This was something we had planned for but didn’t have time to do. I think having a viewing early enough so that we could make changes to the project would be a good idea because when you are in a small group, working hard on a marked project you tend to like what you’ve worked hard on and you don’t see problems with it because you don’t want to see anything that would result in more work.


Overall I think I have learned a lot from this project that will help me a lot with work in the future, whether it is on my own or in a group. I have learned to importance of regular and reliable contact with group members. I know to pay attention to people’s strengths and weaknesses and to work to them. I will remember to do research and planning as early as possible, and not to take anything to granted so plan for any eventuality.

Lastly I have discovered that the more programmes and general knowledge you have the better (seems obvious but it’s good to be reminded) and that if you push yourself just a but further than you normally do then you can achieve a lot more than you normally would.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Nightmare Weaver

With the combined powers of Ian and Simon I will learn Dreamweaver and I will become it's master.

I have now learned that when pictures have to be a certain size on a computer then you should take them at that size. Seems simple but we're talking about me here so cut me some slack.

We have a new person in our class


If you are reading this new person, yes I am as mad as I seem, yes the lecturers are as mad as they seem and no we don't have a clue what we are doing either, you'll get used to it.

I had a fun day re-sizing pictures in photoshop, another programme i'm learning to use, and then linking them in dreamweaver. So lots of learning, chatting and yelling at my computer